Hussain Minawala, a charismatic personality from Mumbai who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment, had a bunch of responsibilities and a desire to help others. He had a passion for reading since childhood, which coincidentally led him to acquire knowledge from a Moroccan Master of Sacred Geometry. He manifests what he thinks and thinks what he can manifest. Zeal for art was pursued in his hobby of sketches around Sacred Geometry which reflects in his grid designing for Vaastu Solutions too. An avid traveller with a spirit to learn and explore gives him wings, being a constant teacher of his life. A man with a powerhouse of knowledge, years of experience, strong moral values, modesty and humbleness had to soar heights. Rowing through ups and downs, it was time that taught him the true meaning of life.
And once discovered, he consistently helped others through his personal consultancy, Explaining Magic via Logic. It is this very urge of helping people and do something good for society that inspired him to take the initiative of changing people's lives by introducing "Beyond Thoughts (Mental Health Organisation) a flagship brand of HANZAS Pvt. Ltd.
No wonder, people find solutions under his guidance immensely satisfying. This encouraged him to introduce not only consultancy and services under his entrepreneurship but also “Beyond Thoughts- The Vastu Store”, “Beyond Thoughts- Vastu Frames”, “FINt (Women’s Networking Forum), “NinEvent India'', “Caprius Attires” and several other outlets globally. It’s his diligent knowledge and focus, the great support of his family and the faith of his team that keeps him going.